Blackburn Cemetery Surname Search

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O`BRIEN12  People 5  Other Surnames In a total of  6  Graves A total of  20  People
O`BRYAN1  Person 0  Other Surnames In a total of  1  Grave A total of  1  Person
O`CONNER2  People 0  Other Surnames In a total of  1  Grave A total of  2  People
O`CONNOR4  People 2  Other Surnames In a total of  2  Graves A total of  9  People
O`DONNELL1  Person 2  Other Surnames In a total of  1  Grave A total of  4  People
O`FLYNN2  People 0  Other Surnames In a total of  1  Grave A total of  2  People
O`HARA2  People 0  Other Surnames In a total of  2  Graves A total of  2  People
O`HARE6  People 2  Other Surnames In a total of  3  Graves A total of  12  People
O`NEIL1  Person 2  Other Surnames In a total of  1  Grave A total of  3  People
OATES15  People 4  Other Surnames In a total of  6  Graves A total of  38  People
ODDIE27  People 9  Other Surnames In a total of  12  Graves A total of  49  People
ODDY5  People 1  Other Surname In a total of  2  Graves A total of  7  People
OFFICER2  People 1  Other Surname In a total of  1  Grave A total of  3  People
OGDEN16  People 5  Other Surnames In a total of  5  Graves A total of  32  People
OLDBURN2  People 1  Other Surname In a total of  1  Grave A total of  5  People
OLDFIELD1  Person 3  Other Surnames In a total of  1  Grave A total of  8  People
OLDHAM34  People 3  Other Surnames In a total of  10  Graves A total of  39  People
OLIVER1  Person 1  Other Surname In a total of  1  Grave A total of  3  People
OPENSHAW1  Person 3  Other Surnames In a total of  1  Grave A total of  7  People
ORAM4  People 0  Other Surnames In a total of  1  Grave A total of  4  People
ORD2  People 0  Other Surnames In a total of  1  Grave A total of  2  People
ORFORD5  People 0  Other Surnames In a total of  2  Graves A total of  5  People
ORMEROD118  People 18  Other Surnames In a total of  39  Graves A total of  152  People
ORMESHER8  People 0  Other Surnames In a total of  2  Graves A total of  8  People
ORMISHER19  People 1  Other Surname In a total of  6  Graves A total of  21  People
ORMOND2  People 0  Other Surnames In a total of  1  Grave A total of  2  People
ORR2  People 1  Other Surname In a total of  1  Grave A total of  4  People
ORRELL8  People 4  Other Surnames In a total of  2  Graves A total of  21  People
ORRITT2  People 1  Other Surname In a total of  1  Grave A total of  4  People
OSBALDESTON1  Person 1  Other Surname In a total of  1  Grave A total of  3  People
OSBALDISTON2  People 0  Other Surnames In a total of  1  Grave A total of  2  People
OSBORNE3  People 0  Other Surnames In a total of  2  Graves A total of  3  People
OWEN6  People 1  Other Surname In a total of  2  Graves A total of  7  People
OWENS4  People 1  Other Surname In a total of  2  Graves A total of  6  People

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